Say A Lot In a Little Space With Vest Patches
When looking for custom patches for your motorcycle vest, it's crucial to think about the patch design. Vest patches can carry several different meanings, so it's essential to consider the...
When looking for custom patches for your motorcycle vest, it's crucial to think about the patch design. Vest patches can carry several different meanings, so it's essential to consider the message you want your vest patches to convey.
Any good patch supplier can help you create great-looking patches that say precisely what you want them to. It's a matter of deciding the best size, shape, colors, and placement for your specific needs.
Do you want your patches to make a sardonic statement on the state of the world? A political opinion? Do you want to commemorate a favorite ride? Or even honor a fallen colleague? You can do all of those things, and more, with vest patches.
Some of the most popular patches are the large patches designed to attach to the back of a vest or jacket. These patches often denote a rider’s club affiliation or lack thereof. Many motorcycle clubs enforce specific protocols about these patches, so it's a good idea to be aware of any clubs in your area before designing one or wearing it.
Keep in mind the placement of your patches on your vest. Think about how visible you want each patch to be. Make sure that those that you want people to see the most are in a good spot, where they can easily be seen.
Know the Etiquette of Back Patches!
Patches can be as simple as a single word embroidered on a small rectangular or round twill backing. A general rule of thumb is the bigger the patch; the more elaborate the design can be. Back patches can be single-, two-, or three-piece designs, with an intricate design on each piece.
Vest patches for riding clubs are single-piece back patches. Unlike motorcycle clubs, riding clubs are typically are open, social organizations that don’t necessarily impose specific membership rules. This means patches can be purchased.
Motorcycle clubs, on the other hand, often require an extensive waiting period to join and impose formal requirements on prospective members. Only members of such clubs are entitled to wear club patches. These patches cannot be purchased; they must be earned.
The key to great smaller patch design is minimalism. What's the least amount of words of design needed to get your point across? By stripping an idea down to its most elemental form, you can be sure your vest patches will say exactly what you want.
For larger patches its much easier to include more design elements. The added space gives you more area to express yourself. Graphic elements and details are cleaner and more impressive on more significant patches.
Back patches, either for jackets or vests, offer plenty of room for a dramatic approach. Ultimately, the bottom line for your patches is what you want.
Any reputable patch supplier can assist you in creating patches that will say exactly what you want in the way you want to say it. If you want to make a point when you ride, vest patches are the ideal way to do so!